produce|produces in English


[pro·duce || prɑ'duːs ,prəʊ /prɒ'djuːs]

product, output; harvest, total agricultural product; crops, yield

Use "produce|produces" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "produce|produces" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "produce|produces", or refer to the context using the word "produce|produces" in the English Dictionary.

1. Dikaryotic nuclei within the basidium fuse to produce a zygote and meiosis then produces Basidiospores.

2. You can use the cor( ) function to produce Correlations and the cov( ) function to produces covariances.

3. The group of companies "MAGR" produces and offers for sale vibro pressig machine tp produce paving slab....

4. An Ascomycete that produces conidia under one set of conditions often may not produce them under another

5. It could undergo mitosis to produce more germ cells, but we'll talk about how it produces the gametes.

6. This species is nonmotile, oxidase negative, Capsulated, non endosporeforming and produces isomaltulose from sucrose but does not produce indole

7. In gas-powered ovens, Broilers produce a visible flame, while electric ovens have a curvy rod that produces white-hot heat.

8. F–T produces a synthetic crude that can be further refined into finished products, while MTG can produce synthetic gasoline from natural gas.

9. Clot, Coagulase positive, bacteria tested produces Coagulase What is the reaction, conclusion and si… no clot, Coagulase negative, bacteria tested does not produce

10. HypoAllergenic pet breeds still produce allergens, but because of their coat type, absence of fur, or absence of a gene that produces a certain protein, they

11. Mutation of Collagens produces a wide variety of genetic disorders, and those mutations affecting types II, IX, and XI Collagens produce an overlapping spectrum of skeletal dysplasias

12. Strength without love produces the brute. Love without strength produces the weakling.

13. “It takes 20 years of heavy tobacco smoking to produce the same type of severe sinusitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis and emphysema that one year of daily marijuana smoking produces.”

14. The Confectionary produces supplies

15. 17 Strength without love produces the brute. Love without strength produces the weakling.

16. Standing together produces unity.

17. Massage produces wonderful sensations.

18. Good Soil Produces Abundantly

19. As heterosporous plants, the fern's antheridium produces free-swimming sperm and its Archegonium produces eggs

20. Biella produces tissues and silks.

21. Kodak still produces monochrome film.

22. Heinrich Hertz produces radio waves.

23. This produces a crude beer.

24. The company produces titanium alloy.

25. Nuclear fusion produces massive energy.